
Hi! My name’s Jenna. Welcome to Active Travel Life, my newest project. My two favourite things in life are keeping active and travelling. I’m a Canadian contemporary dancer who also loves to run, cycle and hike. I’m always seeking out nature whether at home or abroad. I’m a sucker for a pretty beach and interesting hiking route. Through this blog, I bring my love for movement and travel together in one place.

I’m so excited to share with you my travel plans, favourite places and how to stay active while travelling. Personally, I believe it’s important to experience the world, as I’ve found that travel allows me to gain perspective, be humbled and appreciate differences.

I hope that Active Travel Life inspires your next adventure, whether it’s a hike in your own neighbourhood or a cross-continent backpacking trip. Get out there, get active, and keep the momentum going.

Read more about why I started a travel blog!