Why Start A Travel Blog? Here’s my reasons.

Hi! I’m Jenna, from British Columbia, Canada. I find joy and fulfillment in exploring the world and keeping active. And I am very excited to share these parts of my life with you. Read on to find out why I decided to start a travel blog!

                                                  Travel beginnings…

Firstly, everyone has their own travel story. For me, growing up my family would go camping every year, and to sun destinations every once in awhile. In high school, I joined a school trip to a place I had never even heard of – Prague, Czech Republic. On that trip I was with fellow students, but none were close friends of mine. Therefore, I felt somewhat alone in this place across the world, and it was… awesome. Seeing different architecture, hearing new language and eating new foods, I loved it all. I saw the world through eyes eager to discover. Since then, I tried to travel away from home every year, primarily to Europe. I visited Amsterdam, Brussels, Antwerp, and Berlin, my favourite city. As well, I explored Montreal, Yellowknife, areas in Alberta and Saskatchewan and many gorgeous places on Vancouver Island.


Then, the year 2020 arrived, and my travel plans to Montreal, Chicago and NYC were cancelled due to the Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Since then, in the last year and a half, I have explored my home province while planning my next moves. Now, as borders begin to open, planes fly more frequently and stress levels lower, I’m heading off on a new adventure: Costa Rica, Mexico, and parts of the United States. And who knows, maybe another destination will pop up on my radar! This will be the first time I go backpacking, and the first time I won’t be meeting up with friends along the way. I’m excited to share my experiences from my past and future travels here on Active Travel Life!


                                        Why the name, Active Travel Life?

Why did I call my blog Active Travel Life? As well as someone who likes to move around the world, I’m a physical activity and fitness enthusiast. I’m a professional contemporary dancer that loves to cross train by running, cycling, hiking, kayaking and going to the gym. Keeping fit makes me feel happy, energized and enthusiastic for life. I wanted to bring a small part of my love for physical movement into this blog, and I hope to share my insights on how I keep moving my body while I move around the world. This will take place in the form of posts about activities to check out at various destinations, workouts to do in your hotel room and essential self care tools to pack with you!


What to check out first on Active Travel Life? Why not explore my Top 5 Transit Accessible Hikes in Vancouver, or perhaps what to pack to backpack across Costa Rica?

Thank you for coming to my site, Active Travel Life. I can’t wait to start and grow my travel blog. Above all, I hope this is a place for you to find inspiration, tips and to share the joy of travelling the world.


A smiling woman in a blue jacket stands on a cold beach. Jenna of Active Travel Life writes about why she started a travel blog.
Low tide at Qualicum National Wildlife Area.


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